Coach Spencer Runs in the Woods

Coach Spencer Runs in the Woods

Friday, December 13, 2013

Summer Mountain Odyssey Needs a Write-Up

I haven't written on here in 6 months. Not much of note has occurred for most of that time. Another injury, some laziness, not as much running as there should be. But I have done my Summer Mountain Running Odyssey a disservice by not writing about it. The whole blog thing is a little self-absorbed for even me- who cares what my experiences are? BUT, the mountains & trails I ran this summer- they deserve being talked about. About 3 weeks of 3-6 hour runs each day. Chased by wild boar, up over 6000' most days, camping, meeting weirdos, seeing so many totally awesome things... that has to be talked about or at least shown in photos. I'll do that very soon. I still remember every detail of every day it seems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn. I was really hoping for a great come back story. I was nt really into all of the masochism in the middle but the soulful running stories in the beginning were gold and very inspiring. I hope you decide to get back to that sometime. Maybe you already have and its just for you which is awesome. I posted earlier this evening about stumbling across your blog while looking for info on the AT. I am planning to tackle it in sections of 10 or so mile out and backs. I will start with the Georgia section (close to home) and see how that goes. Thanks again for sharing and I truly hope you are well and enjoying your running. I don't think it is self important to share your experiences there is not enough of it these days. Thanks Again.