I've gone to Carolina Sports Clinic a few times, ice, compressed, rested, and really tried to take care of myself the past two weeks. Tired of being hurt. After dropping out of last week's 50K, I promised myself I wouldn't run again until Wednesday, but then 5" of snow fell Monday! I looked out the window all day and wished I could be out there running in it, but resisted the urge. On Tuesday, I thought about putting on running shorts just because I missed them. Again, I resisted! Yesterday was my first day running and I'd told myself I'd run 10 miles to test the knee out and stop earlier if I needed to. If I could do that and have a decent Thursday run, I thought I'd be OK to run the Charleston Half Marathon this weekend.
Yesterday went OK. I ran at McMullen Creek Greenway for only the 2nd time ever. It was icy. The knee hurt from the first mile, but not nearly as bad and didn't effect my running- just pain. No hobbling, stopping or anything. It lessened as I went further and when I hit 10 miles, it hurt considerably less.
Today, I went out to ASC trails in Fort Mill and had a fantastic hour run in the ice and snow. I felt like a pioneer on some of the trails because I was the first person to use them since the snow. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. After no school for 4 days because of the snow, it was great to get out and run trails I love in conditions I love. MUCH less pain today. Didn't notice it for most of the run and from time to time, the knee would be a little achy but nothing bad at all. I will end up doing the half marathon Saturday.

There you go coach. pictures look amaze. It sounds like the snow run really lifted you spirits. You'll have good days to come as soon as you 100%. Have fun at the half marathon!
Hope the half marathon went well. Looks like you had great weather for it!
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