Coach Spencer Runs in the Woods

Coach Spencer Runs in the Woods

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hinson Lake 24 Hour Run This Weekend- 94 Degrees

I've been eagerly awaiting the Hinson Lake 24 Hour Run since last year. I had a good race last time and really enjoyed myself. I haven't raced much in the past year and Mt. Mitchell and Hinson Lake were the two I was really looking forward to.

Ran a 24 hour run in early June but dropped at 66 miles because of heat problems. Had the gall bladder taken out the next week. All has gone well since then. Training has been better. Lost about 15 pounds (greatly needed but still room to lose for sure), and have generally been confident and feeling like, you know, sort of a decent runner. Couldn't wait until Hinson Lake.

Forecast for Saturday is 94 degrees. EEEk! Worried. I wrote that it was 81 degrees last year and people had big problems in the heat. I was OK, which was a little shocking, but I do remember it being hot. 94 is a different story. I've looked forward to this race for so long but I've vowed to be smart. I dealt with some potentially dangerous dehydration at Black Mountain Monster 24 Hour in June. Problems started early and I altered my plan a bit but kept going 14 more hours or so after the problems arose.

All summer, I had major leg cramping almost everyday when I came home from practice... I guess not really while I was running, so that's a good thing at least.

Plan this time is to minimize the problems altogether by being smart from about noon-5 PM. After dropping early in the past two 24 hour races (but feeling OK about both decisions & getting in 66 & 70 miles), I was 100% sure there was no way I'd stop early in this one. Thought to myself this past month, "I may not hit 100 miles, but I'm not going home early. No way." With the heat, I may change my tune. I've got electrolytes, salty Chex Mix, even pickles packed. If I follow my hydration plan, I'll drink over 5 gallons. Seems like a lot. I'll pack the hat with ice. I toyed with the idea of a homemade ice vest but will be stuffing ice in a compression shirt instead. A guy I know suggested sports bra and said he's worn one before and stuffed bags of ice inside. I just couldn't bring myself to buy a sports bra. Sheesh.

We'll see how it all works out. Excited but I've got to say, I'm a little scared of the heat.

1 comment:

chris mcpeake said...

Have a great race.
Good luck in the heat