Ran 40 miles at Moses Cone Park near Blowing Rock, NC. I've never run there before. Thought it would be a good faster paced run on smooth paths. It was smooth but it was pretty mountainous. There's one 4 mile climb up to Rich Mountain I did twice, one 2.5 mile climb up to the Lookout Tower I also did twice, and various others. Took me 6:39, which is just under 10:00 miles. I'm very pleased with that, especially in the hills. Foot hurt but other than that had minimal problems. Encouraging.
yea dude!
great run man!
Great job! Just did my first run up there ever yesterday (11/28). 12.6 in sub-freezing temps was all I had time for. I did the Flat Top tower route, then crossed over and did Watkin Rd. down to Black Bottom, then up by the Apple Barn, down to Bass Lake, around it, then back up to the Cone House. I hope to run longer up there as it warms up...but I don't see 40 MILES there in my future...nice job!
Coach, I love running there when I get up that way. I hear they have a lot of snow on their hands this week! Good job and keep the adventures coming!
beautiful pictures!
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